Louis Kestenbaum – A Storied Checkered Past
We would refer to Louis Kestenbaum as a serial sex offender with the luck of the Irish and few friends in the blogosphere. Claims against him for sexual misdeeds date back well into the 80’s. To date, he has never been punished for his misdeeds. In fact, with regard to the Penzoil case, he won money because of the incompetent investigation conducted by Penzoil
An article in Fortune Magazine in August of 1993 by Anne B. Fisher references a case in 1984 involving sexual harassment at Penzoil when Kestenberg was vice president for a secluded ranch owed by the company. She writes:
“Consider the case of Louis Kestenbaum. From 1977 to 1984, Kestenbaum was vice president in charge of guest operations at a secluded ranch and spa that Pennzoil operated in northern New Mexico. In January 1984, someone wrote an anonymous letter to Pennzoil’s top management accusing Kestenbaum of sexual harassment and other misdeeds. Kestenbaum denied the allegations but was fired anyway. He sued Pennzoil and won $500,000 in damages for wrongful discharge in 1988. The reason? Pennzoil’s in-house investigator admitted in court that she had relied on rumor and innuendo in compiling the sexual-harassment report that got Kestenbaum the ax. ”No attempt was made to evaluate the credibility of the persons interviewed,” wrote the judge. “
Had the company done the proper level of investigation or had the persons involved decided perhaps to press charges, rumor has it that it went beyond mere harassment, perhaps all of the alleged crimes that followed could have been avoided. Perhaps…
There is a BlogSpot devoted entirely to Louis Kestenbaum. It is not complimentary. It goes back as far as 2006 and appears to have stopped a short while later. Some of what is written is based upon publicly available, some not so much. What we find so disturbing is that it would appear that many of the alleged crimes of the brothers Kestenbaum have gone largely unnoticed by law enforcement. Louis Kastenbaum appears to have not spent a day behind bars, despite allegations of fraud, money laundering, DOI Medicaid fraud all of which are on the short list. He settled with Proctor & Gamble on Ohio in a suit for fraudulently purchasing products to be sold overseas which were then shipped to a warehouse in Brooklyn and sold for nearly 40% more. We are hoping to find out who owned that warehouse.
He allegedly committed crimes in Hungary, Ohio, Hong Kong amongst others. And yet, he and his family have prominent places in the ODA and in other agencies giving them access to money, finances, influence both within the Satmar community and without. At what point, we would like to know, with law enforcement get involved and take what appears to be nothing more than a Jewish crime family down.
Anonymous said…
“Louis Kestenbaum is the son of Hershel kestenbaum the president of the federal funded organisation called the ODA. the ODA funnels thru an estimate of about $42,000.00 thats forty two million dollars a year in various goverment programs. anyone who wants to do bussiness or benefit from these goverment programs via the ODA has to kick back a percentage to louis Kestenbaum .this rackett and shakedown has been going on for years . Louis is a master of theivery and now he is training in his Joel kestenbaum.”
Anonymous said…
‘I once heard a funny story . I have an old lady neighbor her name i dont really want to disclose that told me that she went to the same school with Hershell kestenbaum in the small town of Uheforto in Hungry ( thats called Ratsferd in yiddish) it was a small twon and the goverment school that all had to attend daily was a mixed uni boys & girls. and she said that Lunch bags that the chilldren used to bring to school started to vanish. till one day they caught that it was Hershel kestnbaum that was stealing the chilldern’s lunch bags everyday. And from that day they had to hide the lunch bags every day so that Hershel kestenbaum should not steal it So this is no new news it runs in the kestenbaum family to be theives..louis had a good theive teacher his own father”
mishpachas Rubin said…
“there was years ago a big story of a Louis Kestenbaum in London , the Louis Kestenbaum there was a mussar against another jew by the name of Rubin, involving millions of dollars stolen, can anyone please tell me if it is the same Kestenbaum? I need to know very urgent,please please, immediately. He did terrible things for my family. Can anyone let me know if it is this same Mussar Lezer (Louis) Kestenbaum?”
This LOUIS KESTENBAUM used to go alot to Hong Kong until he was caught with raping a girl and he had to flee from there in the middle of the night, this story was reported in Hong Kong does anyone have the article? please post it! it will make for good reading material!!”
Anonymous said…
“This Kestenbaum guy was involved in a Sexual Harresment case which he settled for a lot of money, here is the article that was written about LOUIS KESTENBAUM’S SEXUAL HARRESMENT CASE in FORTUNE MAGAZINE in 1993:
SEXUAL HARASSMENT WHAT TO DO Complaints are mounting, confusion is rampant, and almost everybody’s a little nervous. But many companies are trying hard to stamp out this form of abuse.”
On August 1, 2007, FailedMessiah ran a post entitled, “3 Satmar Hasidim Sentenced In Fraud Worth Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars” What make the article more interesting is not the contents but the comments.
Louis & Joel Kestenbaum/Fortis Property Group Behind $880M Sale in Boston is going bust now ..What a ripoff these two goons pulled off