Sexual Abuse and Rape

By: admin

Fake Guru Prakashananda, convicted for groping young girls, is now on the run. He may be on the run but that does not stop the judges from telling him his sentence: ’14 years in prison and a $10,000 fine on each of 20 felony counts for molesting girls’.

I guess Prakashananda’s Guru Kripalu will not be very happy that Prakashananda won’t be in Vrindavan any time soon. Due to his situation of being stuck in the US, they already delayed the inauguration of their enourmous new temple which was scheduled for November. Now it seems they will have to do the big show without the main disciple.

It should not surprise you however that Prakashananda is the center of such a scandal if you know the stories about his guru Kripalu.

Here in Vrindavan, everybody knows at least one of the many stories about Kripalu’s inappropriate sexual behavior. In 2007 for example, he was charged for raping a 22 year old Guyanese girl in Trinidad who had come to him for advice and help. The family dropped the charges and people say they and the police have been paid to let the matter go. In India, too, there have been charges, the most known one in Nagpur. There are several girls who are still fighting for justice. The matter there is still in front of court and that family does not want to back down with a payment to silence them.

If you hear more stories that ex-followers tell, it is absolutely not difficult to believe this all. They have brought the ‘guru-drama’ to its peak. It all starts with paying for seeing him. Then you can pay a bit more for different services: you can wash his feet, you can drink the washing water of his feet, you can drink water in which he spat and you can even get hit by him with his shoes and pay for it. Women have another, even bigger, possibility to serve their guru. They are chosen, taken into his room, asked to massage him and then – with the lights dimmed or off – get a divine sexual experience. He anyway dresses up as Krishna very often and tells that all women around him are the Gopis with whom he plays. From time to time he also becomes Radha,  a Hindu Goddess. Why, I cannot tell you.

From this money he has spent millions of Dollars on building that big temple here in Vrindavan which he will have to inaugurate on his own now as his leading disciple will be in the US, probably for the rest of his life. He has however many more male and female disciples who are preaching all over the world, advertising his name.

They, too, have the reputation of giving others the possibility of a holy experience in the bedroom while they preach Hinduism in public. Female preachers invite rich men and male preachers attract women. Everybody keeps on paying for those special experiences and their wealth grows and grows.

I believe the government should do some more investigations and maybe even take over their property because it was bought with money collected by wrong deeds. Disciples, followers and devotees, please be aware of this all and take care of yourself, your wives, daughters, your purse and in the end your mind and soul. Don’t get cheated by any fake guru but make others aware of these people!