CBI Probe Demanded against RAHEJA Builders for Lucrative Project despite Massive Delays
Dear All,
The petition to Lt Gov Najeeb Jung at https://www.change.org/en-IN/petitio…e-of-two-years has reached the milestone of 100 signatures. Many thanks to all who signed. Buyers from many different Raheja projects came together on this platform to demand that the builder be told to first complete his long delayed & still-incomplete projects before taking up any new lucrative projects like the in-situ Slum Rehabilitation in Kathputli Colony, Delhi. The petition asked Lt Gov to delay the displacement of the Kathputli Colony residents.
A measure of success of the issue raised in the petition is that Ms Meenakshi Lekhi (BJP candiate) & Mr Ashish Khaitan (Aam Aadmi Party candidate) have asked both asked for a CBI probe into the Kathputli Colony scheme, and Ms Lekhi has also requested Lt Gov Najeeb Jung to delay the displacement of the Kathputli residents till the CBI probe is completed. You can read the full coverage at http://www.builderscoop.com, and so far over 3100+ families from the 3200+ families have decided not to be forced out of their homes, and are still in Kathputli Colony Delhi’s street artists fight ejection from their ghetto – Features | The Star Online
WE NOW NEED TO GET TO 1000 SIGNATURES. More signatures, and more comments from past & current Raheja buyers would give this petition a lot of weight as we move forward. Just like a single vote is the most important thing in Indian democracy, your signature is the life force for this movement.
Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent – Napoleon Bonaparte
Please also forward this petition to all friends and affected people in projects of Other builders with a request to them to back this petition. All defaulting builders should be penalized for all the delays, harrassment (financial, mental, and physical), lies, and for ignoring the buyers genuine concerns. Ask your friends to make this movement stronger by supporting buyers in getting their dues from Raheja, and in turn this stronger movement will support them in getting their dues from other errant builders. Lets start a movement to hold builders accountable to their customers, starting with Raheja Developers. THIS IS NOT A FIGHT AGAINST A SINGLE BUILDER, BUT IS AN EFFORT TO BRING ABOUT A SYSTEMIC CHANGE. Reckless and feckless youth is about making promises, and maturity about keeping them. It is time for the builders to now grow up fast and keep their promises.
Please ask your friends to sign the petition at https://www.change.org/en-IN/petitio…e-of-two-years
Till now the attention has been focused only on the misdeeds and scams of DDA and the plight of the residents of Kathputi Colony, but no one has paid attention to the atrocious performance of Raheja Developers whose projects launched over 7 years ago have still not been delivered.
OUR THRUST IS NOW GOING TO BE TO BRING THE FOCUS ON THE POOR PERFORMANCE OF RAHEJA DEVELOPERS and put pressure on the authorities to deny them new and lucrative projects till they complete the previous projects like Raheja Vedaanta, Navodaya, Atharva, Shilas, etc.
Thousands of buyers of Raheja Developers have been waiting for their dream homes but these are denied to them on one pretext or the other. Should the govt reward a serial defaulter with new and more lucrative projects, while the previous buyers whose projects were launched 7 years ago are still suffering. In fact, as this is a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) project, (SC has recently ruled that Comptroller Auditor General CAG audit in PPP is allowed in context of the telcos which can be broadly applied to other sectors PPP projects may also come under CAG ambit), this a good time to ask for a CAG audit of Raheja Developers. As Raheja has entered into a PPP with DDA, this is a great opportunity and should be used to audit Raheja accounts to see if the delay in Gurgaon projects is due to their mismanagement and diversion of your money. Most reasonable people believe that mismangement of money is the prime reason for the delay in real estate projects by private builders, but so far there was no opportunity to look into the books of private developers. Now, the opportunity has come to ask for an audit of Raheja Developers accounts for the Kathputli Colony PPP project which may help unravel this whole money chain. In the pdf attachment with this email called “How High Flying Builder Navin Raheja And Raheja Developers Hit Their Titanic Iceberg” you can get a detailed analysis of how the situation is grim for Raheja Developers, and why you dream house or investment may remain just a dream unless you act soon, and forcefully.
Where did Rahejas get the money to pay for the land, for expenses in winning the bid from DDA, money for creating 2800+ temporary accomodations in Anand Parbhat (that have been vacant for the last 2 years waiting for the slum residents to be displaced), and where is the money going to come for creating 2800+ “free” apartments for the slum residents. It is reasonable to believe that money from people like you has been diverted here, and to his disasterous projects like the hundreds of acres that he spent on acquiring lands for SEZ (Raheja SEZ Gurgaon | Raheja SEZ in Haryana | Raheja Haryana SEZ | Raheja SEZ Developers in India) which went pop, or the ones in Sohna where he also illegally in a Community Investment Scheme raised money from people (See the Agreement widely distributed here https://app.box.com/s/u7s8bw3ez3ujwdgnfn9v and here https://app.box.com/s/wopmrixbdexyput16jxe ), or the offer to DDA to build in advance 2800+ apartments as free gift to the slum dwellers from Kathputli Colony. After all, Mr Raheja had no family inheritance (this is not the same famous Raheja from the South), as by his own acknowledgement was a failed scooter distributor at one point in his life. Navin Raheja Wildlife Enthusiast | Navin Raheja Businessman So, where did all the money for all these adventures come from? An audit by the Comptroller Auditor General (CAG) in the Raheja-DDA PPP projects can be used to get an insight how does this secretive world of real estate funding and financing work, and if money received from buyers for other projects has been diverted to this project resulting in delays in the original projects for which money was taken by the Builder.
Please sign the petition right now. https://www.change.org/en-IN/petitio…e-of-two-years
The suffering that people have undergone in Gurgaon should not be repeated in Kathputli Colony. Many are poor and elderly, and don’t force them to trust Mr Navin Raheja to deliver their homes in 2 years – because the track record of Raheja Developers so far shows that the trust will be betrayed. How can a builder who has not been able to deliver projects launched over 7 years ago be believed when he says that he will construct 2800+ apartments in 2 years? The lucrative project was awarded in 2009 to Raheja Developers on their assurances, but five years later in 2014 with such an atrocious track record why should their assurances be believed. As James Burke said, “Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look.” Thus, the petition is to Lt Gov to force Raheja Developers to deliver possession of their long-delayed projects in Gurgaon, and demonstrate the ability to actually deliver, and only then be able to work on this slum rehabilitation project.
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws – Plato
Please forward this petition to anyone who you think has a heart, one who can understand that the land in the Anand Parbhat transit camp where these slum dwellers are forced to move is only a temporary arrangement. If Raheja fails to complete and deliver their “free” apartments in 2 years then these people may be thrown out from the transit camp itself, and have truly no place to go. Many of them are poor, elderly, and uneducated; but artists they are.
Please sign the petition right now. https://www.change.org/en-IN/petitio…e-of-two-years
Thanks to many for your support, and we will soon launch Facebook Ads and Google Ads campaigns to spread the word. And if more people come forward, we will take out ads in the daily newspapers to try to reach out to the other aggrieved buyers that we currently cannot reach.
If decent people fail, and if Raheja Builders is able to displace the Kathputli Colony residents, then he will busy with the Kathputli Colony project and your project will be orphaned. As the builder has already extracted almost all the money that he can from you there is almost no incentive to keep him interested. Based on evasive answers Rahejas have so far been giving in emails to their buyers, it is reasonable to conclude that they have already prepared the legal ground to deny you even a single rupee of the “promised” Rs 7 psf per month penalty. The legally untenable drama of a referundum of buyers on whether they want possession, and the applying of Occupation Certificate when it is clearly evident that the projects are far far from complete, are probably just legal maneuvers to escape having to pay even the paltry penalty to the harried buyers. Some buyers have told us that Raheja Builders have even prevented buyers to visit and inspect their own apartments, even after they have paid almost all the money to him.
Some of you have tried to accost the builder with these greviances in a group, but you may have noticed that though periodically groups are formed in your Raheja project to put pressure on the developer, they suddenly seem to loose steam and falter till the next time someone starts stirring again. This is because some of these vocal leaders start with good intentions but then are compromised – some of them have, and are, accepting regular monetary payouts from the builder for their silence and inaction. For the personal benefit of these few buyers, the larger sea of buyers is being misguided and left rudderless. The British used divide-and-rule to control numerically superior Indians, and Raheja Developers have mastered the same tactic. ONLY YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF, and that is what this petition is about. You can wait for others to do the hard job for you, or you can chip in whichever capacity you are capable of.
Please sign the petition right now. https://www.change.org/en-IN/petitio…e-of-two-years
Many buyers in newer projects of Raheja Builders can’t speak up because of GAG Clause that has put into their agreements, but that does not mean they do not support us. This Gag clause without any finesse, and probably illegally, states in the Raheja Revanta Builder-Buyers Agreement https://www.box.com/s/h1qbunfiya5inga2rh98 that “The Purchaser agrees, accepts and undertakes not to make or publish either by words spoken or intended to be read or by signs or visible representations via internet or any form of media any imputation/defamatory material concerning the Seller/Management/Projects, which harms the reputation and credibility of the Seller/project/Owners Association.” It then tries to justify the transgression in right to free speech (which the United States has now explicitly stated is not illegal for the same reasons http://tinyurl.com/b4g49mp) in terms of profits as “The Purchaser understands and acknowledges that beyond and apart from him there are other Purchasers who have invested their hard earned money in this project and any defamation of this complex/project by web posting or creating Google groups/e-groups can undermine valuations or reputation of their investment in the project.”
The price of speaking up against Navin Raheja is very very heavy for his newer buyers. As the Raheja’s Buyers Agreement states, “Upon commission of any such act by the Purchaser the Seller (i.e Rahejas) shall without prejudice to any other remedies and rights available including termination, cancellation of agreement or allotment, claim liquidated damages which the Seller might have suffered due to such irresponsible acts of self defamation breach committed by the Purchaser.”
Bullies like Navin Raheja who gag people like this must be stood up to, and shown the true place where people like them belong.
Please sign the petition right now. https://www.change.org/en-IN/petitio…e-of-two-years
Appeal to all Raheja buyers to join in and sign the petition