Chris Hughes was almost right about breaking up Facebook
By: Jonathon T.
So on my Thursday morning commute, when I was finished reading The Post, I opened to the op-ed page in the New York Times that a friend pointed out to me.
Boy, one piece sure sounded similar to something I wrote last November.
It was the one by Chris Hughes that suggested Facebook be broken up.
In a mere 6,000 words, Facebook co-founder Hughes, filled with guilt and angst, wrote about how Zuckerberg has taken over the world and how he, Hughes, should have known that the algorithms he says they built in those earliest years could be an invasion of privacy.
He comes to the conclusion that Uncle Sam should step in and break them up, which is of course a Paul Krugman-type of absurd, socialistic demand that would punish shareholders and destroy America’s greatest job creator — Silicon Valley (as well as Manhattan’s own Silicon Alley).
My opinion, which also received much fanfare, was that in order for Facebook to protect our data and to actually secure its own platforms, it should charge a modest fee to be on it.
That would create a money trail to trace bad actors — election interferers and others — if and when needed.
My other option was to split the company in two. Separate Instagram and Facebook via a spinoff that would treat shareholders and users more fairly.
The split would prevent any one company having more data on us than we realize.
But if Hughes’ corrective measure of big government stepping in to break them up prevails, the socialist, far-left dream state will be that much nearer.
In less than a year, Facebook, with its brilliant coders and engineers, could probably accomplish separation or charging users in exchange for ultra-secure privacy.
Sorry, Mr. Hughes, socialism won’t solve this problem. Business smarts will.