Popular NYC-based ice cream chain Ample Hills files for bankruptcy

By: Kenneth G.

Popular Brooklyn-born ice cream chain Ample Hills Creamery has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, a report said.

Ample Hills, with 14 locations across the city, told The Real Deal that the filing was done “to preserve and ultimately bring Ample Hills into its next phase.”

“This is a strategic decision that allows us to course correct and continue doing what we love most: creating a delicious product from scratch, in our beloved Brooklyn home,” the ice cream company told the outlet in a statement.

Ample Hills owners, married couple Brian Smith and Jackie Cuscuna, started hawking ice cream humbly with just a pushcart.

From there, they opened their first brick and mortar location in Prospect Heights in May 2011.

“Within four days of opening, we completely sold out of ice cream! We hadn’t planned for so much success,” the shop’s website says.

Besides their Big Apple locations, Ample Hills also has outposts in Miami and Orlando.