WPC: Environment Friendly Solution

Industrial logging of the world’s primary forests is rapidly destroying the habitats of thousands of animal and plant species, and depleting our planet of its oxygen reserves. The situation today is of concern to us all and there is an urgent need to call a halt to the destructive exploitation of hardwoods responsible for this widespread deforestation.

Solutions to the problem do exist. More than thirty years ago in Japan — where gr321654987maileen awareness is firmly instilled in popular culture — an engineering company, EIN Engineering, invented and developed a substitute for wood made from softwood waste and recycled polymer resins.

This new material had the appearance and qualities of the rarest species of wood while offering a truly Eco-friendly alternative, and met with instant success. The extremely demanding Japanese market was won over by the quality and exceptional lifespan of this product, which followed the shinto tradition of respect for, and love of, nature. Wood Plastic Composite material is widely available today in Asia, and especially in Japan, where it holds a 60% market share in architectural landscaping in the public and private construction sectors.

Thus, we planned to bring this to india as well by engaging in Greenwood with a set up in Bangalore. We are involved in WPC — manufacturing of plastic woods. The most widespread use of WPC’s is in outdoor deck floors, but it is also used for railings, fences, landscaping timbers, cladding and siding, park benches, molding and trim, window and door frames, and indoor furniture. We believe it is a new age phenomenon and are confident of being one of the first companies to have a stake in its production.

This is our endeavour to curb the widespread deforestation and evolve respect for the Environment especially when sustainable solutions to the problem of limited wood resources are available to us. The only requirement is to make appropriate use of it and we have initiated it in India.