Navin Raheja & the Cold Smile Photo Story

Yesterday there was an advertisement in the Economic Times about its Realty Convention on December 12, 2014. A photo of one of the eminent speakers, Navin Raheja, caught our eye.

A photo that was supposed to show the cold-smile of Mr Navin Raheja had found its way into an advertisement of the “eminent” Mr Raheja!

What was created for a scathing & explosive article on the “Grimes & Crimes” of Mr Raheja was being propagated and distributed freely and widely on our behalf, increasing our reach many fold – by the very entity that the photograph was railing about. Karma works in mysterious ways, indeed.


The story behind this ironic twist of fate goes like this. Mr Raheja and Raheja Developers have never liked us, because, one they owe us money, and two, we speak our mind (based on facts) about him and his company. Rahejas have tried very hard to silence us through money, police, and legal firepower, but so far we are still standing. They have filed a case against us in the Delhi High Court. The company then engineered cyber-attacks on us, and got over 350 of our videos removed by false claims of copyright causing us immense loss. But, we kept on with our job of writing more and towards creating the epic real story “Open Letter To Housing Minister About NAREDCO Chairman Navin Raheja,” and building a case for Mr Navin Raheja to be removed from the NAREDCO Chairmanship.

For this story we needed a photograph of Mr Raheja that showed what we perceive him to be, and the true face behind the staged smiles. We wanted a photograph with an expression that in its contradictions caught for us the essence of the man.
We found the expression at 2:58 minutes.


We first did a Google search, but none of the images it threw up fit the bill. Then we came across a Raheja Corporate Video. In the video we zeroed down on a single frame that captured the “cold smile” that we were looking for, and it was at 2:58 minutes into the video. We created an image out of it, and that became the headliner for our article. And if you see the preceding few seconds of the frame of the video at you will realize that what is on Mr Raheja’s face is not a smile at all. It is just a pause as he is describing how he found the taste of big money in real estate. This picture was perfect for our hard-hitting article at It is this very same picture that has been used in the advertisement for Mr Raheja’s speech at the Economic Times Reality Convention on December 12, 2014.


The December 12, 2014 date is very significant as when Mr Raheja will be speaking on “Building India: A Model in Regional Planning,” he will also have on his mind the hearing in the National Consumer Commission the same day, where 43 (forty three) buyers have sued Raheja Developers for severe deficiency of services. Another legal notice from over 70 buyers of Raheja Vedaanta would have also reached him by then. The season of legal action against him has just begun as buyers find their voice, and activism refuses to take the back seat to the diktats of the robber-baron builders.

We wish that at least then Mr Raheja will realize that his time is best spent in his Raheja Developers Ltd (RDL) office, getting the work done of his buyers, and not pontificating in seminars like that by ET about what the nation should do, when your own backyard is not in order.

It is also time that Mr Navin Raheja resign from the Chairmanship of NAREDCO (National Real Estate Development Council, under the Under the Aegis of Ministry of Housing

Poverty Alleviation, Government of India). Raheja Developers has also been caught on Cobrapost sting cameras accepting that they manage black money, they generate black money, they rob the exchequer by showing lower prices of the property than they actually sell at, of using the Raptor ECC offices in Dubai for accepting black money … etc. etc. The CBDT has asked Income Tax departments to submit a complaince reports on the stung builders by Dec 15, 2014. And if any criminal wrong-doing by any employee is found, the person should foot their own legal bills and not RDL, as the buyers have not paid money to the company to waste it on people who are found indulging in criminal activity.

In addition Raheja Developers have run illegal Collective Investment Schemes (CIS), floated dubious assured return & buyback schemes, and have violated many acts/laws of Housing in Haryana. Should someone like Mr Navin Raheja be allowed to hold such a high post, even as his company is wading through a comedy of errors.
Raheja Developers has been tom-tomming on their facebook page an article “Self Made Mogul” on Mr Navin Raheja, as being published in Mail Today November 30, 2014. archived at It was NOT published in Mail Today, but in the “Property Mail” advertising supplement of Mail Today. The text of this article is totally paid for, and has appeared in many places of the web over the last 6 months. It is without real sourcing, and was the cause of Mr Navin Raheja’s wikipedia page being deleted when the Wikipedia editor reviewed the post and found it to be overly promotional and an attempt at authentication by circularity. In addition, in the same article is an error when “Naveen” is written on the top left hand side, and “Navin” is written in the article.


What else can you expect from a company when even the”likes” on its facebook account are fakes …

Mr Raheja and Raheja Developers Ltd have created a bubble within which is their virtual and artificial world. Mr Raheja, during one of his jungle retreats, should take a deep look at the “Maya Mahal” and realize that he must stop blaming others – and take the blame onto himself.

For Whom the bell tolls, Naveen – Navin, the bells toll for thee.