FRAUD & BASTARD competition(BMW Contest)

By: sandeep

I also have recvd several calls from Raghawan(??!!!) that Rs.40000.00 to be deposite as a tax amount to show it to Govt as I am very near to win BMW car. already I have paid Rs.3998/- as a registration fee and got some hotel tickets which I am not sure is correct or usable.
Now they are disturbing me whole the day by calling / begging for Tax amount.
Now I realized when saw the above commects that this is a fraud and bastard peoples work and nothing else.
They all will go to hell one day since the money we spend was come from our day night hard work and the money will not become spoil. they will have to pay double one they and they will come to road without cloth.

Lastly request you to all, do not faith such bastards and fraud in future…
