Jain Realtors Fraud Company

By: Dhiraj

i and my family are also the victims of the cheating done by the said Ajay Kumar Jain s/o Suresh Chand Jain, MDs of Jain Realtors and their family of Dwarka, for the project of Jaipur Heights, Jaipur in 2008 and promise me to complete the project as soon as possible, but whenever i ask him he always tell a lie, and being he is from jain community i always faith on him because i trust that jain peoples never cheat to anybody. but now i realize that nobody is clean and cheaters are also in jain community. my money is also my hard money and that is around 11.50 Lakhs. if anybody knows about him please contact me my number is 9818422985, and my name is dhiraj and also any body give me his name or number so that i can contact him for further actions about him or his family.

DHIRAJ 9818422985