Samsung – continuous problem in samsung handset
By: rhn111
i bought my phone at 29.01.2012 which is Galaxy ace 5830 after 15 days of purchase the problems of phone had started firstly when i had gone to service centre they told me that a update is required but no update software is available the after some days i again visited for the followin problmes ie battery was going down suddenly it was showin 65% charged and another moment it was showing 15% .Secondly somtimes my wifi and bluetooth was not getting on then after that my charging point was free(loose) but again they told me no update version os available then aftef some days before i had gone again in service centre they told me evrything will be ok as new update has came and by updating all will be ok so i got my phone updated but frm last 7 days i am facing the same problem of wifi and bluetooth not getting on And battery as usual going down so i had again gone to service centre so now they said your will be kept under observation for 7 days and then if the problem persist we will change motherbord sir i cnt go to service centte again and again for new problems daily… Plz now i want my phone to be get replaced plz reply me as soon as possible…
Thanking you
yous faithfully
Rohan khurana